Vanessa Collier

Saxophonist. Vocalist. Songwriter.

heart soul & saxophone



lyrics by vanessa

Weep & Moan” won “Honorable Mention” in the 2020 International Songwriting Competition in the “Blues” category AND in the “Performance” category”

Bloodhound” won “Honorable Mention” in the 2020 International Songwriting Competition in the “Lyrics Only” category.

Sweatin’ Like A Pig, Singin’ Like An Angel” was a finalist in the 2019 USA Songwriting Competition

"When It Don't Come Easy" won 1st place in the "Lyrics Only" category of the 2017 USA Songwriting Competition.

"Bad News Bears" was a Top 3 Finalist in the 2015 John Lennon Songwriting Competition.

"Tongue Tied" received an Honorable Mention in the 2015 International Songwriting Competition. *